Art : Reflection of Souls

Butterflies, book and a girl

A while ago, I started working on a story based on my disabilities. While writing that, I noticed that in real life I usually focus on accepting my disabilities and being happy with that, and I never talk about my pains. But while writing the story, I focused on how people think about disability and how their behaviour hurts me, the trivial things that matter to only me. I realized it even more after someone left a comment which made me think that my pain was reflected in the story.

For the ones who make art, art actually reflects their souls. What remains deep inside of you comes out when you make art. Through art you can talk about things that you never imagine sharing with someone. Art reflects your most honest self, your pains that you try to hide from the world.

Through art, you can communicate with people who share the same pains as you, making them feel that they are not alone. And while doing that, you realize that you are also not alone. Similar pains can draw people closer than happiness do.

Art is more than merely beauty or passion. Art is a mean of expressing yourself. Art is a mean of communication. Be it writing, drawing, music or something else.
