

Of closed doors, and tears streaming down my face.

When the heart was torn, and my mind was in dismay.

Little did I know, that it was all about finding grace. 

And learning to accept, come what may. 

Understanding requires time, while accepting requires patience. 

The future is unseen, no road maps or navigation. 

Gathering strength through prayers in silence. 

As we find our way, like the stars in a constellation. 

Through the highs and lows, we learn to grow. 

A roller coaster ride, in this life that we know. 

We stumble and fall, as we reap what we sow. 

We pick ourselves up, that much to ourselves, we owe. 

Finding clarity through looking within, 

Where time will tell, what the future brings. 

When our vision clears, we will see the wisdom therein. 

And we will finally grasp, all these ever changing things. 

Anis Nadia
