CV Hunters

A young man working on a laptop.

Do we help to help others or ourselves?

In school there are always those people that do everything: they are in all sports teams, play music, take part in history and politics competitions and are active in several NGOs or at least involved in school fundraisers and activities. These are the people that represent the school during sports competitions, concerts, school-exchanges and other school events. But at the same time, it is also these people that don’t seem to come to practices, trainings, and prep-meetings. It is engagement without commitment. Do you recognise yourself in this description? If yes don’t worry… it is not an accusation… I was just like that for a long time too. This article is supposed to shed light on this helper-complex.

We millennials have grown up in a world that is marked by problems like increasing economic disparities, political instability, climate change, environmental degeneration etc. etc. etc. We want to be active on all domains and help to solve this whole tangle of problems. This is why we try to get involved in everything. But it is exactly this way of thinking that is counterproductive as doing everything does not necessarily mean doing something good. In addition to that, it is also not good for our health as we become exhausted, stressed and tired.

I have learned that it is better to focus on 2 to 3 things and stick and specialise on them instead of juggling many balls at once. When one involves one should involve properly and not half-heartedly… and this is going to happen no matter if the person wants it or not if he is stressed and rushed all the time. When we choose the things that we want to engage in it is important that we choose things that we like to do and that we are good at and that we value … otherwise, it is of no help for anyone. Being young and at the age when we have to start to choose what we want to do later in life. To do this we have to filter out qualifications and values and look at how we can make them into a profession. It is with our profession that we will be able to make real changes and really help people. Some might notice that they can help society best by being a doctor, some as teachers, nurses, cooks, lawyers or salesmen.

Now let us look at this issue from another more unpleasant perspective. Ask yourself the question: why do I actually engage in all those things? Is it really for the good of others or is it rather for myself? Many young people feel greatly pressured by society today: if you do not involve yourself in different things then there is nothing that you can put on your CV … and if you don’t have a full-packed CV then you have no or minimised chances to get accepted into universities and colleges, let alone for scholarships and later on well-paid and secure jobs.

I just want to say it again: this article is not meant to criticise or to accuse anyone. It is a simple try to make people aware of how they can make their commitment to society effective and of quality. The mantra that we should always keep in mind should be: Do as many things as you like as long as you do them properly.
