4 Tips for Dealing with the Covid-19 Pandemic

Shop Locked

Right now my country is on lockdown and my school’s closed. So I’m studying from home online. I know how upsetting this whole “Crisis” can be so I thought I could share some tips that are helping me cope with it. I tried not to focus on the whole studying part of it but to focus on the Emotional Health part of it. I really do hope it helps….

Get the most out of it

If your country or city is on lockdown, if your school is closed or if you're just staying home to be safe, make the most of your time. Most teens now are studying online, so make sure not to be on your device all the time. Think of something fun to do, find a new hobby, learn a new instrument or just help around the house. This is a great chance to focus on yourself and make sure you're looking after your mental health. 

Be kind to others

Fight the virus, not the people!”. If you witness a friend or family member being bullied or judged because of their race, reach out to them. Not doing anything can make them feel alone and will make them think that everybody is against them. Be careful about what you say, what you post and what you share. Just show support and be kind. 

Be positive

Being scared is a natural response, and it’s really easy to let negative thoughts and feelings creep in. The virus is spreading, countries are under quarantine and schools are closed. So there’s a lot of things to worry about.

But despite this thinking positive will get you through this pandemic way easier. Though it’s hard it’s really important to keep a good mindset. Doing this will minimise the emotional impact of everything on you. So again make sure you're looking out for everyone who’s struggling while still staying safe yourself. 

Social Life

If you are upset about not being able to talk to your friends try different ways to contact them. Ask your parents or caregivers if you can call or email them. If not, don’t be upset, remember that there are millions of kids doing this as well.


I know it can be hard (and sometimes scary) but I personally try to look on the bright side. I make sure that I’m not worrying myself about this and that I’m not paying attention to any fake news. As the numbers of people having covid-19 rise, you have to have hope,

 Have hope that everything’s gonna be alright soon!

“But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars.”
― Martin Luther King, Jr.
New Zealand