For every girl, teenager and woman.

For every girl, teenager and woman.

For every girl, teenager and woman.

Dear girl, teenager and woman, don't let them tell you who you should be in your life. Do not allow them to impose on you from the beginning the idea of ​​not being able to be a professional because of your gender, that you have no right to be angry because of your gender, do not allow yourself to be married to someone you do not love, do not allow them to treat you as an object , do not allow them to violate your sexuality by culture, do not let society tell you that you can only be a housewife.

Being feminine does not limit you in any way, you are strong and brave, you are enough for you. Dear girl, enjoy your childhood, she enjoys the beautiful things that life gives you and never let yourself lose that childish heart that you carry right now, childhood is good and you have your right to have it.

Dear teenager, do not let a comment about your body make you hate it, you are beautiful in many eyes but I promise that you must first know that you are beautiful in your own eyes. Don't let anyone make you doubt your worth and intelligence. Don't let people look down on your problems.

Dear woman, don't let society define your destiny, dear woman, don't let society devalue you for being a single mother or not wanting to get married. Dear woman, do not allow yourself to be treated as a sexual object in your work.

Dear female gender, we are stronger every time we unite. Let's not let society decide for us just because we are women. For every girl, adolescent and woman, there is an African elephant behind.

Dear female gender, we are stronger every time we unite. Let's not let society decide for us just because we are women. For every girl, adolescent and woman, there is an African elephant behind.