Globalisation and Sustainable development


From the discovery of America in 1492, to the first airplane made by the Wright brothers in 1902, to the extremely recent invention of the world wide web in 1983, it is safe to say that humanity has done everything to allow globalisation to take place.

But why are we so desperate to connect and network? Why do we want to spread societal structure everywhere?

Other than allowing people of different cultures and backgrounds to mix and prosper, globalisation has brought upon the world great economic growth, but sadly has lead to unpleasant consequences for the environment we rely upon.

A great example of this is the erosion of land and loss of biodiversity that mining has caused. Mining also causes health risks for the people involved in their job as well as forcing entire communities to relocate.

To continue, globalisation has lead to the spreading of agricultural products that once were only available in a few areas; for example, one can easily get access to typically tropical or summer fruits such as coconuts and mangoes pretty much at any time of the year, no matter where they are located.

This is a simple analogy that begs to put forward the point that many steps must be taken in order for these products to be available everywhere all year round; firstly, to ensure efficient and quick yield of crops, spraying of pesticides and herbicides is more common than not.

Sadly these chemicals seep into the land, and make their way into water sources and cause leaching. Other than the production aspect, there are estimates that confirm that carbon dioxide emissions due to shipping of goods will increase from 2.2% recorded in 2012 to 50% - 250% in 30 years if nothing is done.

It is also safe to say that the increase of availability of products at cheaper prices, has lead to a higher demand of commodities which has caused overexploitation of lands, mines, the ocean, and natural resources as whole. This causes desertification and hence loss of habitats for fauna and flora all around the world.

I would like to conclude by saying that in no way is globalisation a negative phenomenon, on the contrary, it is of vital importance for today’s societies to continue to thrive and develop further.

It is not the desire of being a united world, where resources are shared that is harming the planet, but the mindless way in which we are doing so - hence why the concept of sustainable development is so important and essential to ensure that humanity continues to prosper not by destruction, but by co-existing.
