In my heart resides a speck

A person reaches out a hand towards the camera. The person is blurred and only the fingers of the hand are in focus

In my heart

Resides a speck,

A leech,

That latches

On melancholy.

It grows

Ever so slow

And turns itself into

A pebble.

This pebble of mine

Numbs my insides

And whispers words

Of my worthlessness

My uselessness

And so I succumb

And grow scared

Of stepping outside

I leave the door ajar

Just in case


My pebble

Paints the images I see gray

It feeds more

On my heavy


Until it becomes

A rock

That binds me to my


And forbids me from going

To the kitchen

I sigh

And it feels that

My heart

Will rip


On each


I close my


And hear the ajar door



A figure stands,

Illuminated by the lights coming from the kitchen

The figure,

Breaks the shackles of my bed,

And helps me carry my rock to the luminous kitchen.

We cook a meal

And for the first time in a while

Food isn't tasteless.


Colours feel a little less gray.

The green feels greener;

The breeze, gentler;

The pebble, bearable.

I go back to my bedroom,

Not as a prisoner this time,

But as a guest.

I think of bringing plants,

Redecorate, maybe,

Perhaps get a dog.
