No water= no life

The damage of water scarcity on plants and animals is concerning.

Mexico is in danger of reaching “day zero”, the momentum in which citizens' needs are no longer met due to the scarcity of water. Northern states are suffering even more; Sonora, for example, is draining more than 80% of its water supply. We are Mariann Avilés, Catherine Álvarez, and Isabella Soto. We are students of Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Sonora Norte, in Hermosillo, Sonora. The problem we are addressing and trying to solve is the lack of water in our city.

Because of this issue, land and terrains have become very empty and arid. Besides, little vegetation is present, and the soil is dry to the point of almost fragmenting, creating land degradation. Furthermore, Hermosillo already being an unbearably hot and dry city, precipitation presents itself sporadically. Water is an essential resource for living things, including humans, plants, and animals. Without it, life would not be possible since it would not be sustained. If we did not have water, our bodies would not be able to do simple things such as regulating themselves through homeostasis. These actions also affect plants’ and animals’ development, for they need water to grow. 

Because of this, biodiversity in Hermosillo has been greatly damaged. Alas, we, humans, have a severe lack of consciousness about several aspects, the care for our environment is included. Besides, many huge companies do not help the situation by wasting this resource. Other factors include natural conditions, such as climate change and drought. Action needs to be taken if we no longer want to worry about ending our water resources. While some people are not fully aware of the problem, others have already started taking certain measures to solve this issue. We need to plan how to find solutions and spread awareness about this. If we continue down this road of ignorance and negligence, soon there will be no water left to sustain life in Hermosillo, Sonora. 

One of our proposals to avoid further damage to the ecosystem is to start a campaign. This campaign would inform Hermosillo’s population about actions that could make a positive change in the way water is managed in the city. As humans, small actions can make a big impact in the long run. These are actions constantly heard by many people, but taking short showers, closing the faucet when it is not being used, watering plants with reused water, etc. could slowly help us save water in Hermosillo. Furthermore and most importantly, we must be conscious about the quantity of water we use on a daily basis. These easy actions could aid in restoring our water supply. 

Some viable and achievable solutions to this problem are the following. For starters, we could restore the plants that were once found in this city. By restoring the soil’s wellness, we could start a movement where people all over Hermosillo can contribute by planting trees and other plants. If we can take this into a bigger movement around the city, we would be able to correct the damage that has already been done. If each one of us takes the initiative to care for the environment, we could have a green city with a bigger water supply.

Another way to correct the damage caused is using cow manure. By using it, we may restore soil and make it richer. Subsequently, we would improve the plants’ water-holding capacity and provide more nutrients, which would save them from dying. Watering plants with the right amount could also correct the damage that water scarcity has left. Said action can be achieved by using a bucket to hydrate them. By doing so, the plants would be healthy and watered, whilst water would be saved by reducing its use.

We believe that Hermosillo’s culture has not helped address this issue at all. It has had a huge negative impact on our ecosystem’s condition. The ignorance demonstrated by its society is a major factor in the way we treat this problem. Most of the citizens are ignorant, negligent, and have a lack of consciousness. Because of that, they waste this fundamental resource without even caring. By having no responsibility, they use water in huge amounts when not much is even needed, worsening the already existing problem. Big industries, or companies, also have a huge negative impact. Furthermore, because of this previously mentioned ignorance, individuals do not see how some of the land in our city has degraded. People giving it no importance has led this problem to progress more and more over time.
