Over the rainbow

over the rainbow

While we are walking, we may fall or fly. Either way, our life will change.

For the last month, I had to face different downfalls. However, by the end of each fall I learned how to add a new feather to my fragile wings. With much hope in my heart, I might as well fly sometime soon.

I started this year with much faith in my heart that everything in my life happens for a reason [and I still believe that]. For that, a lesson learned comes out of a mistake or an achievement fulfilled through failure. I never doubted the existence of a holy spirit living inside of me. That spirit guides me to wherever my inner self wants to be. And, every time I fall, I feel that spirit lifting me up to my feet. Hardships define us and make us the people we are today.

I will not say much about myself. Let me just tell you that I had rough times lately. Three weeks of testing limits and life experiences. From health problems to educational barriers, to unemployment. However, the experience was life changing even if some of the challenges remain. Some health problems were treated and another I am going to carry with me forever; and despite that I am still unemployed and waiting for my thesis defense, today I am better, stronger and braver.

In spite of the pain and hurt, and in spite of me, I survived. The spirit of God inside of me guided me through the storm. It lifted me up from the ground and showed me that giving up is not an option. These tough times taught me that if there is no light at the end of tunnel, I shall create my own light. And, if all I see around me is walls, I shall make a hole and walk through them.

Through these times, I knew that what doesn’t kill me could make me my own hero. It taught me that every day I am a fighter.

My 2016 has had its ups and downs. Probably, my downs were hard to embrace. However, I had great experiences. Therefore, through all these difficulties and experiences I know now how I would like to start my year. Here is the list.

· Always stay grateful.

· Love myself more, for that self-loving is not being selfish but rather appreciating the human I am.

· Take care of my health.

· Remind myself constantly that I am not perfect.

· Have dreams with my feet on the ground, for that being realistic would help me fulfill my dreams.

· Tell the people I love that I love them.

· Never stop fighting for justice.

· Sharing more, for sharing is caring.

· Love more, hate less.

· Cast all negativity away.

· And, most importantly “Never give up on myself because I am worth this life”

Finally, I would like to tell you my dears to follow your happiness and to do the things that makes you happy; it doesn’t need to be sophisticated, it can simply be reading a book, cooking a pie or, even having a cup of tea with your mom. As we are biding our goodbyes to another year, I would like to remind you never to forget about others while you are looking after yourself. Out there, people are waiting for our help, to make their voices heard and to help them through the darkest moments of their life.

There is no such a thing as a small pain and a bigger one. Pain is pain no matter how small it might look to you. Therefore, my dears for this upcoming year let’s care more about each other. Let’s make it our mission to make the world a better place.

Through darkness with faith, to lightness with grace.

Have a blessed New Year my dears. And, thank you Voice of Youth for the support and love you showed us throughout all these years.

Peace and Love
