A Problem

Different people holding hands

The world today is home to many people, and is now celebrating 8 Billion people on the planet. Many people believe that this is slowly causing a problem. The population crisis. What some think is that we might run out of space, and other necessities. But that isn’t true. Hunger, Poverty, and Homelessness, can hopefully be solved by distributing resources around equally. Also, Space definitely isn't a problem. Some people say that you can fit the entire world population into the city of LA when people stand side by side. Others say that you can fit the entire world population in the state of Texas. Lets just say that we can fit the entire world population in the USA for now, just to be on the safe side. But the population crisis isn't the problem that I’m here to talk about today. I’m here to talk about a bigger problem. Rights for all of these people. Human Rights. 

As the world progresses, we make more innovations, get more ideas, improve the world, etc. What we all must realize is that Human rights is as important as all of these factors. Human rights are rights that are granted to all human beings regardless of their gender, race, language, religion, nationality, age, or ability. But in some places, people are not granted these rights as much as they’d like it. Some places might not be tolerant of the LGBTQ+ community. Others might not be tolerant of people of a certain race. Some, of a specific religion. Some places don't even grant rights for women to get educated. Not only that, Almost every country faces a problem with human trafficking. Around the world, people are victims of stereotypes, and others, of discrimination. Again, this isn't the end.  There are so many more human rights problems that people are constantly facing around the world. That isn’t how we can make the world progress. 

What really bothers me is the propaganda that some people use to “help the ones affected” but in reality, just make the situation worse, and end up not helping them at all, and just use the whole experience for their portfolio and popularity. Don’t they understand that this is a serious problem and not one that they should take advantage of? This isn’t the only problem that the people are facing for their rights. A few months ago, and even now, the country is going through a hurricane of shootings targeting people of a different race, or religion, or even minority genders. This intolerance is leading to violence. This makes people more insecure to express themselves because of the fear of being targeted and ‘hunted down’. People don’t realize that what they’re doing is literally harming a life. Rights are not a privilege, instead they are a right that everyone should get. I feel very dejected when I realize that people are now asking, fighting, or even begging, for rights that are being taken away from them, and sometimes, not even given to them. We are not the ones to decide if a right is to be given to someone. 

I understand that people can view these problems from different perspectives, but I’d like to say that they should think of the problem from the victim’s shoes, and at least be a little mindful, and not take advantage of their rights. 

Another thing I’d like to mention is the fact that many people are changing now, and becoming more inclusive. Now that is one step forward to a better world. There are many organizations, people, and platforms supporting this, Including Voices of Youth which helps us, the youth, to address problems that are being faced worldwide. I’d like to say that a piece of paper and a pen has the power to change the world. Now, we all must take time to understand that everyone is different, and unique (even identical twins ;) ) and we must appreciate and support everyone instead of finding ways to group them and ostracize them. 


United States of America