Rainy Summer

Waves and beach.

It’s April. School’s almost over and it’s summer when everyone goes to beaches and creates sandcastles. However, this year’s an exception.

Aside from the pandemic happening, there are a lot of reasons why I and my family can’t seem to go and have fun on the beach. It’s because of the typhoon happening.

I remember back when I was 8 years old, my family and I went to a lot of beaches and climbed mountains since it was summer break. The sun sparkled. It was the most beautiful sparkle I have ever seen. The sun hitting my skin didn't hurt a lot. It only hurt once I spent 5 straight hours straight under it but other than that, the sun was good.

This year’s an exception. Why? Because it’s too rainy to go out to beaches and it’s definitely not safe to play in heavy rain. That makes me wonder, why is it raining heavily during summer?

It must be climate change. It’s what they say in school, so maybe, it really is the reason.

I miss hanging out with my family on the beach. How can we make the environment back to how it was before anyways? Should we plant more trees? Should we stop cutting trees and destroying animals’ habitats? I don’t really know what to do but all I know is that we won’t be safe if this continues.
