
LED love sign

I am a teenager, maybe you are as well. I live through the perspective of my dark brown eyes, that are oh so beautiful if you choose to spare me a glance. I rock a thick natural undefined fro unapologetically. Don't get me wrong I have my flaws and insecurities just like anyone. I am a teenager who is just as confused as you as to why the world is engineered this way. I wake up every day trying to find pieces of my identity. I mean I have been told multiple times by adults that this is the time where we find out who we are as a person. Some choose to put on a nonchalant attitude as if they have everything figured out... but guess what, no one has their whole life figured out. We are all just clueless souls wandering aimlessly hoping for the best, but planning for the worst. It is scary...I am a teenager, who is very much struggling to figure out how this so-called thing "life" works; the fear of making the wrong decision pulses through every heartbeat I take and every word I iterate. I am a teenager that needs to learn to value her opinion of herself instead of relying on others to provide gratification, to love and accept myself as a whole before I can love someone else!

United States of America