Simple Is the answer

The view of the sea

Things definitely become complicated at some point or another. Take it from a scientist, a mother, a teenager, a consultant or anyone whom you can think of. Dandelion thoughts and questions ponder my mind and yet most of them never reach their final destination, the destination that they long for. But then I guess we are the ones who actually stop ourselves and our thoughts to reach a particular end.

Once I was contemplating on some random question that prevailed in my mind for so long that at one point, it started irritating me. Irritating me because I was not able to reach a conclusion. It was a general physics problem which was, at this point, one of the main reasons that I got overly intrigued about it. I was literally scratching my brains out after 2 hours of unfruitful labour and then my mother stepped in. She, being one of my saviours came towards me, and instead of consoling, started trying to figure out the solution to one of my vague questions. In that moment, as anyone who is currently pursuing B. Tech would think, I started thinking of the effort she was putting on that question of mine and somewhere in my mind I knew that she definitely would not be able to crack it.

But to my surprise, after merely five minutes of pure normal human common sense, she was able to figure out, not the solution, but the major idea behind the solution to that question. I was literally blown away by that idea. Obviously it was not some high tech fact involving complex mathematical and physical terms, just a common thought that came from a mother, which became the answer to my question. I was flabbergasted by the amazing thing that happened at that moment.

Obviously that was not a very complex problem and after getting that answer, I introspected and knew that I would have been able to get the answer to it. 

But what happened to me during those 2 hours?

What happened when I was being overflown with ideas, all really well formed and yet not the answer?

What happened to my common sense?

The simple answer to all the above questions- I was stuck up with complex 'solutions' of that question. I was so much fascinated and tangled up with the question that I forgot about the easy way and opted for the difficult path.

That made me realise that most of the times simple is the answer. Questions aren't questions at all, they are just a moulded form of the answers that we are searching for.

Although I think that it was not a humongous problem, that small problem made me realise a crucial thing.

Like that one physics problem, we all are challenged at some point or the other by our own mind and instinct. We get stuck up, stand on crossroads, face dilemmas of all sorts and at that moment, our conscious brain kicks into action (taking the path of not the least resistance but of maximum resistance) and we dwell into the sea of answers offered by our conscious mind. We fail to realise that we are on a crossroad, meaning that we have two paths, and yet we choose the path on which we know we have to face problems and hurdles. Our mind gets so blocked up that we never notice the open door, the path of least resistance, the path which is straight and simple and which directly leads to the solutions to our simple problem.

I am not saying that every situation in life is to be taken for granted and always looking for the easy way wont help. Many a times, choosing a path of hurdles leads to a new you and helps in finding our true goal. But even the most humongous of problems can have an easy solution. All we need is an eye to catch that path and then travel on it. Now a days people are so used to thinking complex, that now, thinking simple is the new complex.

Thinking complex isn't the challenge. But thinking simple is.