Simplicity: The art of happy living

Vermillion $baby

In spite of recent advancements in science and technology in our world today, I've come to realize that a lot of people still find living increasingly complex. Mostly because they are either too busy making as much money as possible in order to conform to what is trending in the society, or they are in a constant state of anxiety thinking of ways to make said money – with the hope of achieving one goal, happiness.

According to David Wann, author of Simple Prosperity, it is important to ask ourselves, "do we seem to be unhappier now than when we began our initial pursuit for rich abundance."

Back home, we follow the do-it-yourself ethic, which is an awesome way to reduce costs. My mom has a small garden where she grows varieties of vegetables so that we don't have to buy them. My siblings and I learnt quickly to make the most of the resources we have. In a whirl of scissors, needles and thread, my sisters and I can make clothes from scratch or reconstruct old ones to look better. Now, living as an undergraduate student miles from home, through this medium of identifying the necessary things and getting rid of excess, I've come to appreciate the little things I might have easily taken for granted.

Happiness isn't about having material possessions or wealth, but gratitude for the things we have. Significantly, rather than spending each waking moment thinking of ways to cough up money to pay for expenses, we can reduce consumption to the bare essentials, whilst saving time to properly relax. This would purposefully lead to a stress-free and happier life.
