A small story of friendship, kindness and inclusion

Equality, diversity, Inclusion

On 15th November, I had a biology practical examination. And then, the teacher told us to go to a different room to sit for the exam. As I can't walk without someone's support, I was at a loss.

Then, two friends of mine came to me. They told me that they would support me. I was afraid that they wouldn’t be able to handle me. But they kept insisting until they finally convinced me to go with them. One of them gently supported me and finally they took me to another classroom. Never before could someone convince me to go with them.

This was just a small gesture, but it meant the world to me. Where would I be without the support that my friends always offer me? These girls always make me feel included. Always. 

They make me feel that no matter how different I am, I am always one of them and they will be always there for me, ready to reach out their hands whenever I need.

