Stay close to me forever

My own image

There's not a day that goes by

Where I don't think about you

Your personality, your inspiration

Your advice on what to do


You are the sunrise in the morning

The twinkle in the stars at night

The robin who comes to my window

The brightness of the moon's shining light


Thank you for your wisdom

Your stories and unconditional love

Thank you for your knowledge

Your support and warming hugs


Because of you my heart is grateful

I look for happiness in every woe

I search for friendship in all strangers

Spreading kindness everywhere I go


And when difficulties arise

When times start getting tough

Let me promise you this:

I will never give up


Those dreams I told you about

I'm still chasing them every day

With the strength of your love

Guiding me each step of the way


This summer, the first without you

I made it and finished my degree

Years of solid hard work

I know how proud you would be


They say goodbyes are not permanent

That goodbye doesn't mean never

So until we meet again

Stay close to me forever

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland