Toward the bright future: Wonder Woman inside us

A girl stands among various flowers

Have you ever heard a famous saying “A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water.”? If you guess right, then yes…that saying is from Eleanor Roosevelt, First Chair of the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women. Indeed, we have never known our true strength and determination until we face the toughest time in our life.

At the age of 6, I was bullied by my classmates and suffered from the spiritual wounds. I became an easy target for bullying in class because I was so small for my age. I still remember all of my notebooks were stolen after the break at school, but a few days later, I found that somebody hid them on the top of my class’s lockers. The students laughed and threw bad words at me, so this made me feel frustrated and suddenly burst out lots of tears. Furthermore, my study results weren’t as good as other students’ because I almost failed 2 subjects in one semester. Thus, the students supposed I was a fool and didn’t want to play with anyone like me. Honestly, I always felt sad and hurt considerably during my 4 years at school.

My life changed dramatically when I moved to another school and began a new life there. I was very grateful to earn the greatest opportunity to meet such a dedicated teacher in my life. Although he passed away many years ago, he inspired me to become a strong leader in class and learn to stand for myself. When I was writing this blog, it really reminded me of my teacher, and I was very thankful for the lessons that he gave to my life. I have realized all of the terrible things that I went through helped boosting myself as a diligent and unstoppable person to face any obstacles, get over a hard time as well as make a decision on choosing big goals on the path of my life.  If I don’t live for myself, then who can live for me? If I don’t love and speak up for myself, then who can do that? I always ask myself these questions every time I tackle with difficulties in life.

Since I experienced human inequality and abuse, I’ve always yearned to find the valuable chances to raise my voice, prevail on people to share the message of stopping bully, violence, and discrimination. In addition, I’ve got the passion to stand for vulnerable populations, especially children, girls, and women around the world. I strongly believe that all of the girls and women have enormous and incredible powers inside themselves. Once they can be empowered to speak up for themselves and never be a victim of injustice, they can lead the country to a bright future and even change the world.

To support the points above, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the United States House of Representatives, claimed: “Women are leaders everywhere you look -- from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by strong women, and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes”. Besides, a Democratic Party politician, Emily Taft Douglas also gave a statement “If women understood and exercised their power, they could remake the world” to demonstrate the crucial roles and power of girls and women around the globe.  

Hence, dear girls and women, be Fearless and Raise Your Voice. You all deserve to show yourself, make your choice, and live your dreams as the way you want!

Lê Thị Thạch Thảo ( 23, Vietnam), Global Peace Ambassador and Social Media Influencer of Global Peace Chain






2 women
Be Confident and Raise Your Voice!
What is the MOST VALUABLE TREASURE that you get from your KINDNESS and LOVE in your life? That is “INNER PEACE”

-- Lê Thị Thạch Thảo --
Viet Nam