Two Words to Change the World

"Be kind" on a lightbox with a heart emoji

I believe that two words are needed to change the world: be kind.

As infection cases and death tolls rise daily, there is no denying that coronavirus is a disaster. It appeared from nowhere and flooded the world with pain and suffering before we could barely blink. However, I believe there are many positives to the pandemic, and it is also an opportunity: to rethink our world and ways of living, and rebuild our societies with kindness, compassion and empathy.

This begins in the smallest places. For many of us living in lockdowns, this opportunity to think and reflect has been invaluable. Many people have decided to pursue new careers, new lifestyles; thinking carefully about what they really want out of life. Young people on Voices of Youth are using this opportunity to reimagine our world post-covid, tackling world problems with imagination and ingenuity - and my message for a reimagined future is simple.

To change the world, I believe two words are needed: be kind. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, be kind to friends, family, strangers, colleagues, enemies, everyone.

I believe this simple, fundamental idea can change the world in many ways.

To begin with, what do I mean by changing the world? In this case, helping people or creating positive political, cultural or societal changes. Simply put, actions to improve lives on the greatest and smallest scales.

  • Why kindness: In my opinion, kindness is the most important and powerful human attribute. It covers a long list of different sub-attributes - empathy, selflessness, thoughtfulness, compassion, sympathy; understanding, friendliness, generosity, patience, tolerance (to name but a few), all with different meanings and benefits for all. It underpins Human Rights, altruism and positive change. Kindness is about people, and people are the cogs in the mechanism of society. In a simple conversation, one kind word can make someone happy - there is something almost magical about this.
  • Self kindness: Something that many people fail to realise is that self-care comes first. You can’t pour from an empty jug; you can’t help others without helping yourself. You may not be able to be kind all the time - but giving it a try is a good place to start. You can’t change the world without self-care.
  • Positive interactions: Kindness is the foundation of positivity in everyday interactions. When we help others, we make friends; when we listen and try to understand others, we learn; when we give our money, time or friendship, others give back to us. Kindness and empathy also allow us to resolve conflict and defuse kindness while considering the feelings of others.
  • Thoughtfulness teaches: Thoughtfulness and trying to understand others is also a key power for change. Learning and education is the basis of all freedom - and understanding others is essential for change and tolerance.
To change the world, I believe two words are needed: be kind. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, be kind to friends, family, strangers, colleagues, enemies, everyone.
  • Kind nations: In my reimagined post-covid world, alongside listening to young people and working to the realisation of Human Rights worldwide, I would like to see kinder and more compassionate governments and world leaders. I believe this could create fairer, more equal and more tolerant societies, simply better places for many. I acknowledge that kindness alone doesn’t fix economies or build complex infrastructure - but I think it would be a good place to start and would definitely change the world for the better.
  • Kindness unites: When we help others, we make friends; when kindness unites us, we are better people. Recently, I co-wrote an open letter for World Refugee Day about the Right to Education (among other ideas). It was a great experience and helped me to discover another aspect of empathy: by recognising similarities between our lives and the lives of others, we can build bridges and connect. With shared friendship, skills and resources we are more likely to succeed in everything; groups, teamwork and organizations are fundamental to society. If you want to change the world, you’re going to want to tell your story and join with friends or enemies to make your goal a reality. Kindness brings us closer to others in many ways.
  • Kindness - contagious: In a pandemic, it seems both fitting and entirely wrong to say that kindness can be a contagious disease; however, it really is! One small kindness can start a movement and flood the world with happiness and joy - a perfect antidote for pain and suffering.
  • Every action: Every kind action - big or small - changes the world in a positive way. If society-changing advocacy is your aim, be kind. If making people happy is your aim, be kind. Both goals are just as noble.

To change the world, I believe two words are needed: be kind. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, be kind to friends, family, strangers, colleagues, enemies, everyone.
