Quote by George Bernard Shaw

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." - George Bernard Shaw

On April 22nd, this years Earth Day, I was searching for a quote that would capture it all. I chose the above quote by George Bernard Shaw, as it captures exactly that, the two things most vital, to LIFE on Earth: Progress and Change of Mind.

Both those things, are of the very things that matter most when we seek to achieve Change. 

I realised that both Progress and Change of Mind are the basis of all our fights, may it be the fight to protect our Earth, which is vital to Life as we know it, may it be the fight for Human Rights, Animal Rights, or Childrens Rights, the fight against Hunger or the fight for Equality, or even the private battles each of us are facing on a daily basis; there can be no change, no progress, without a change of mind. 

Change of Mind is the way to Progress, and Change of Mind is, itself, a battle.

If we manage to change our minds, that is progress. If we act on it, that, again, is progress. 


Change of Mind means listening, arguing, reading, it means life. It means life with others. It means being mindful to the things around us. It means being open minded. It means Interest and Support.

It means experiencing life, not just next to each other, but with each other.

If we do that, we can change not just our own mind, but that of others. If we do that, WE can CHANGE. 




