A well informed adolescent

Participant at Yala Secondary Commercial School

I am passionate about preparing adolescents and youth, the people that will inherit the world in a couple of years, regarding challenges that we are facing now, such as health, poverty, gender inequality and lack of quality education. My community based activities since 2014 contribute to the objectives of the sustainable development goals by providing young people the knowledge, actions, values and communication skills needed to contribute to their overall development, thereby empowering them to make healthy life choices. These choices, decisions and actions would promote universally shared values, such as respect and dialogue, and help to contribute to our national development.

Distribution of sanitary towel to the girls
Girls in Yala Commercial secondary school were given sanitary towel to help improve their level of menstrual hygiene.

For instance, I organized projects on adolescent sexual reproductive health, life skills, ICT skills and computer literacy with supports from CUSO International from 2017 in hard to reach communities in Cross River state. More than 2,000 youth between the ages of 13 to 20 have benefited and learned about digital skills and the digital world. Furthermore, I have also promoted gender equality by encouraging girls to return to school and distributing academic materials to them to aid their academic performance. I also carried out projects aimed at inspiring young girls with stories of women from around the world who have achieved feats in their various disciplines and sectors. These stories encouraged girls to harness their potentials despite the odds against them.

Cross section of Glado Art & Science Students paying rapt attention to Sexual Reproductive Health talk
Boys and girls of Glado Art &Science College paying rapt attention to Sexual reproductive health education talk.

My current engagement contributes to education relating to human rights and fundamental freedom and healthy living. This is seen in my advocacy for adequate adolescents’ sexual reproductive health and rights education, this project is supported by Peace First and CUSO International. The project provides information, health materials and sexual reproductive health and rights education for young people to be well-informed, thereby reducing the prevalence of sexual health problems like STIs, illegal abortion, teenage pregnancies and other emotional and socioeconomic consequences.

Signature placards
Cross Section of participant