Youth Unemployment

Timothy Muthama

Kenya is among the Countries in Africa that is struggling with the Issue of Unemployment among Youth. Even after it has set up mechanism that can help the Young people to better their lives.

But as many would blame the Government in a nation for neglecting Youths after their Tertiary Education. Many Of African states suffer a big blow in terms of Ungrowing Economy, hence having a Shrinking Economy, which is therefore hindering up Job opportunities.

Perhaps if Kenyan citizens join hands together & seek to improve its economy I am pretty sure we would create more job opportunities for our Young Graduates.

Secondly, as Youths Blame the Government I always ask most graduates about Personal Attributes  ​​​​​​concerning what value does one add up to himself/herself. Many lack genuine answer, which is now a terrible situation. If one thinks of adding value to his or her life this would solve major key issues affecting our Society. Hence no one would blame the Government.

I think young people have potential to tangle matters around them because they have skills gained through Education. As Mandela said "Education is the Key to change the world." Not to doom the World; World need ideas & Vision.
