To the people with the guns

Poems for peace

Marking  International Poetry Day (21 March 2020), a group of young poets and Voices of Youth contributors write about the power of peace. Their poems are a cry to end violence against children, and a message of support to the children and youth affected by conflict. 

Kamogelo is a 17 year old from South Africa with a passion to learn from, inspire and educate anyone who gives her the chance to. She frequently blogs about women’s rights, education and equality on Voices Of Youth. You can read her content here.


I dream a dream of playgrounds and lemonade

I dream a dream of nights with clear skies

and glistening stars

screaming a better tomorrow is here.


You have taken away those silent nights

and vibrant skies


But our dreams don’t rot.

They are sunflowers that become brighter with every passing day.


You can try to quiet us,

but oceans never stopped howling.

We will continue to run

but this time towards and not away.


Our tears only swell up our storm,

and our beating hearts only make our song louder.


Watch our courage and strength

as you will soon be asked about them.


As we will soon breathe in the sunrise

And paint the sunsets that grace Everest’s summit.


Because through the darkness,

we have found the light within ourselves.


Our playgrounds have never looked closer

And my shoulders have never been stronger. 


For you can only keep a butterfly held up for so long

before their cocoon

becomes their greatest weapon.

- to the people with the guns.

when the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
Waves of the ocean.
drawn by me with inspiration from pinterest.
South Africa