Letter to my daughter- from a teenage mother

Deborah Kponkpongli

My name is Deborah Kponkpongli, I am 19-year-old mother from Bole, in Ghana, and I want to go back to school. I also want to ensure that my daughter stays in school to achieve her aims. It is my hope that other girls who have dropped out of school due to teenage pregnancy will continue their education.

I wrote a short letter to my 13-month old daughter:

Dear Child,  

   I got pregnant because I did not have information about contraceptives or how to protect myself. I was distracted and did not focus on my education.  

I was in Junior High School and about to write my Basic Education Certificate Examination. My aim was to become a nurse, but I dropped out because of the pregnancy. 

I am happy you are a girl.  Maybe you’ll become the nurse that I could not be. I do not want you to follow in my footsteps. I want you to complete school.  

Hopefully, there will be adequate information available about sexual and reproductive health for girls to be able to make informed decisions. 

But my child, I want you to focus on your education and become a prominent woman in future. 

