
Hungry Kids

You might be in your room right now underneath your blanket, watching Netflix, chilling, eating the stock you're having right now and if you are empty you went to the only shop opened near your area, unfortunately, I was doing the same but after I came out of the ration shop I saw two hungry children, I was having many packets of snacks so I decided to give one to them.

But during the time I was searching for the packet in my bag I saw four more children coming, asking me to give them rice and wheat. I can afford to give two of them but not six, and I am sorry for that.

They were screaming, shouting, begging me to lend them food, but my hands were locked. I started moving with guilt and suddenly one of them, with only one leg, snatched a packet.

This is our future. I can imagine a World War full of poverty and starvation. We need to wake up right now, we need to help the poor just by giving them one meal a time. I ask you, if you have enough to feed two poor people, do that, if you have more, feed more.

The more you give the more you get, stop thinking about what will you do in lockdown and please think what can you do for others in this lockdown. I can't do it alone, I need you. Let's forget about what will happen next in the series you are watching right now and start thinking what our future is going to be if the situation remain like this.

We need to beat COVID-19 for us, our people. 
