Love is an anti-virus

The painting entitled (Love is anti-virus) Drawing by : Samaa’ AL Ameer

With love, we destroy the coronavirus, restore our lives, and make them more beautiful through our solidarity. It is love that makes us feel responsible for the homeland, the planet and the people, and therefore we adhere to preventive instructions for their protection.

If you love your country, stay at home, and preserve the lives of your family and neighbors, then it is your duty to protect yourself and others, because we are all like one family, and because the country is the father and we are his children who must protect him from harm.

Our father (our country) will suffer if something bad happens to us, and this calls us to preserve our health, and we try to protect ourselves by following the preventive instructions against the Coronavirus, including staying at home and avoiding gatherings.

If something bad happens to you, who will build the homeland?

Our country, for example, suffers from exceptional circumstances and needs all of us to restore a decent life for him, and this requires us to preserve our health by staying at home, and in this way the country is proud that it has daughters and sons who realize the amount of responsibility they have in dealing with this difficult stage, especially since home is the drug that protects us from the risks of an emergency situation.

In order not to be bored at home, you must use your time available to you now to read, sports, agriculture, practice your hobbies, play with your children, and complete some of the house’s work, such as repairing breakdowns. If you are a student, you can continue your education from home, and do not forget to provide financial assistance to the poor and needy, and this support is a form of love.

And I affirm ... Let us all care about our countries and care about the planet and the world and the lives and safety of people, to be truly supportive of the efforts and sacrifices of doctors, nurses and the people who support them, on our way to victory against the Covid-19.

Stay home, until Corona comes out of our lives and from the lives of all people anywhere in the world, so that humanity can live in peace.
