Africa map

Once upon a time there lived a great man who had four sons and four lands which were swampland, grassland, forest and desert. He was always taking his sons along with him anytime he was visiting each of the lands to train them how to survive on any of the lands.

On his death bed he called all his sons to make a choice on the land they wanted. They were all excited that their father was giving them the chance to make their choice, especially the eldest son who thought he would be making his choice first being the first son. He never liked the desert land which was the same with his siblings. Unfortunately for him, his father decided to start from the youngest to the eldest who was later left with the desert land which happens to be unproductive and unprofitable.

Lesson 1: Life prepares you for both good and bad situations, allows you make your choice but leaves you in a disadvantaged position.
After the great man's death it was of a necessity for his sons to leave for their lands. They all left excited except the eldest son who was leaving for the desert his new home. On his way he remembered there was more than enough sand in the desert which he could use to build a mansion.

Lesson 2: In every disadvantage position there is always an advantage.
The eldest, at his arrival in the desert made use of the skills his father thought him and his siblings, to get water. He started the building of his mansion two days after his arrival till he was left with the roofing of his mansion. One faithful day his siblings visited him and desired to have a mansion like his on their lands. So they asked him to help them build such on their lands.
He agreed on the condition that he would own half of their lands and they concurred due to their desire for the mansions. 
He then lived happily having all he needed to survive and to achieve his goals.

Lesson 3: Maximizing the advantage you see in a disadvantage position opens you up to great opportunities to achieve your goals and have your desired need met.
1) The advantage in a disadvantage position can only be discovered by thinking outside the disadvantaged position.
2) Knowing how to negotiate helps you enjoy the possible result of maximizing the advantage you see in that disadvantage position.
