

Wuhan Town's in Hubei; Near picturesque Xiling Gorge; The river Yangtze deep and wide; divides the Jianghan plains on the eastern side;

A more beautiful kaleidoscope of colours I never spied; But, then begins my ditty.

In 2020, just a few months ago, the city’s folk suffered so, from corona, was a pity.

Bats! They spread their virus to the pigs and cats;
 And even to pangolins in their cages;
 Crossing borders this insidious virus, in rapid stages.

PANDEMIC!! PANDEMIC!! Trial vaccines started by the academics; All International borders were now sealed.
Masses started dying; Global citizens started crying.

No more church on Sundays, No more fundays; No more shaking hands; All that was banned.

Social Distancing became the norm; And protective wear became our uniform; Masks, gloves; No more hugs! And drinking from each other’s coffee mugs.

Quarantine was the scene, Seems a bit mean; but we all needed to keep extra clean.

The WHO was consulting; But Donald Trump stopped their US funding; Countries united; But this Coronavirus still frighten, Thermometers, hand sanitizers and testing; Everyone was investing.

All sporting activities ceased, And no longer were soccer players the bees knees; We all now, turned to Doctors; Nurses and health care workers for their expertise; Their constant exposure made them our new key roles; Respecting and appreciating them, now our superheroes.

Restaurants, movies, ballet and theatre; Past times, no one can be there. Economists projected; While the people reflected; And waited For an affordable vaccine to be perfected.

South Africa