Yemen: The World’s Largest Humanitarian Crisis

A photo of Noora, Abdullah, Faraj, Hind and Remas, all are Ali Mohammed’s children gathered together under the house they have fled to after beingg displaced from their house and land due to the war and conflict in Yemen.

War is more than the upfront violence seen.

War is deeper than a simple disagreement.

War is brutal.

For years now, Yemen has suffered from an extremely violent civil war with significant foreign involvement. While this conflict is essentially one regarding the government within Yemen, it has had tremendous effects on all aspects of life.

Fighting has denied Yemenis some of their most basic rights as humans. Some of which includes and has resulted in: children being denied a proper education due to school closers, families being internally displaced, and malnutrition plaguing a significant amount of the most vulnerable populations within Yemen.

Today 24 million individuals within Yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance. Over half of those people are children. Many of whom will now be severely and permanently injured due to acute malnutrition and other sicknesses. There has been an extreme increase in severity regarding the crisis in Yemen due to the populations vulnerability to illness and the introduction to COVID-19.

COVID-19 has been extremely detrimental to Yemenis. War has previously forced a significant amount of medical facilities to close within Yemen and those that remain open lack proper resources to care for those suffering from COVID-19, acute malnutrition, and other health complications. This leads to extremely poor quality of care at medical facilities within Yemen, if care is able to be supplied at all. This will continue to be the case if there isn’t a tremendous change in the ability for aid to be provided to Yemen. 

this tragedy that pains us to read about is a fearful reality that many fight to wake up to everyday


While we all cannot just get up and travel to Yemen to act as the medical professionals that are needed, we all can help in providing the necessary humanitarian aid to Yemen. Organizations including the World Food Programme, UNICEF, Save the Children, alongside many others, provide medical professionals, medical equipment, and food to Yemen in this time of crisis.

However, UNICEF has shared that 30 of 41 UN programmes within Yemen will be forced to close if more funds are not attained. Yemen is currently in a tragic state, so if closure of these programmes occurs, the effects will be inexplicably devastating. We cannot let this occur.

Donating to the aforementioned organizations will make a tremendous impact in aiding individuals in Yemen. Support these organizations, if you are able to, so that our generation in Yemen will be able to survive and thrive in their future.

Keep UNICEF and other organizations executing programmes they have developed and have the facilities and staff to continue by simply providing more funds. Additionally, spreading awareness of this crisis is crucial to supporting Yemenis.

How is the country supposed to be helped if people are unaware that such help is needed? Inform people about this under-discussed issue and make everyone aware that this tragedy that pains us to read about is a fearful reality that many fight to wake up to everyday.

Yemen suffered when war began. Then, it began to suffer from an economic crisis. Later, the spread of cholera brought greater suffering upon this country.

During all of this hospitals were forced to close and inadequate aid was supplied. It was then declared that it was suffering from the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. Now COVID-19 has hit the country.

What do you expect the outcome of this to be? If aid fails to continuously be supplied, the death toll of Yemen's vulnerable populations will surge and the nation may become extinct. Our generation, the youth of Yemen, will not survive without our help, our donations, our speaking up and raising awareness.

Help in all ways you are able to, regardless of your ability to donate, you must use your voice. Get those who are able to help to listen to you, your voice is of great importance. Speak for the vulnerable populations within Yemen. Adults who have had to flee their homes with their children as they both fight to survive. The children who are starving and are now unable to speak years into their lives, unable to walk, unable to have clean water as they need it, or go to a doctor when they are ill.

Protect those suffering in Yemen because you can and we must. Your voice is a great tool that you have been gifted, I beg you to use it.

United States of America