International Day of the Girl: A letter to girls in tech

Valentina Francesch

Girls everywhere are already changing the world. This Day Of The Girl (Oct 11) join us by giving a shout out or writing a letter to a girl who inspires you: a young leader, a family member, an influencer, your best friend or even yourself as a teen! 

These are the words of 14-year-old Valentina from Argentina to Beatris Mendes Gandica, a program manager at Microsoft who inspired her to pursue a career in tech and science.


“To Beatris Mendez Gandica,

My name is Valentina, I’m 14 years old and I’m from Argentina. I have a passion for technology and I’m in awe with your career!

I’m deeply inspired by everything you have achieved and everything you contributed to our community, teaching and supporting girls. Because we choose our future. And we need to do whatever it takes to create the world we always dreamed of.

That’s why I started programming a few years ago and now I’m getting ready for the Computer Olympics. Every day I’m more passionate about technology, because imagination is the only limit.

Your actions are contributing to making my future - as well as that of other girls - more equal. 

Thank you,



"Hello Valentina,

Receiving your letter was a real honor for me. The fact that you chose me is a motivation to continue on my path to keep helping girls like you to dream of a better world, a world of inclusion and opportunities for all.

You don't know how happy it was to read your letter. We live in a world where technology is related in one way or another to all the activities we do in our daily lives and that already at your age you are learning programming will open up many opportunities in your future and will help you define more clarify what you want to do in your professional life.

I fully agree that your future is up to you to achieve it, and it will be as big as your dreams and your effort. By reading what you are doing, the way you write and your knowledge I am sure that you will be an excellent professional in any field you want to work or undertake.

The important thing is to believe in yourself, to want it, and to have a mentality that you can always keep learning and improving. Continue the path you are taking, don't stop and make sure to share with your friends from school, your siblings, your cousins ​​what you are learning.

I think it is important that you are willing to teach what you know. From my own experience I can tell you that sometimes we learn more by teaching others, when we explain a concept, and the best thing is that this is a “win-win” situation, since you learn and also teach someone else.

Try it and let me know, I think it will be a good practice for your computer Olympics! Do not forget to keep me up to date with your results in the Olympics, and remember how important it is to try and learn, if you don't get that far in this test, many others will come and you will continue to improve until you achieve it.

Successful people are not those who do not fail, but those who fail and try again. Much success and many affections. Girls like you are my biggest inspiration.



Beatris Mendez Gandica
Illustration by Ina Gouveia @inagouveia