Carefree life (World's Children Day)

World's Children Day

My biggest hope is for all of us to lead a carefree, brightened future, not having to lose the right of having enough food and more importantly the right to stay nutritious. Just as the sayings do “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, it is high time we, children value nature especially agriculture for the sake of our whole immunity as well as well-being, favorably needed in times of fighting back pandemics (Covid-19,for instance).

Just as the green plantation, nature’s gift of resources such as land, water should be sustained. It is no doubt we, children should pass on this heavy duty. Education of starvation, climate change (drought…), and environmental preservation should be emphasized deeply.

I feel sure most of us are feeling lost in this time of uncertainties and the boat in my illustration represent UNITY with an underlying meaning that if we all cooperate leaving all our differences (races, gender, nationality, disabilities and so on), the boat will lead us a direction to the solution of all kinds of blistering catastrophe no matter how strong the tides are…...Let UNITY be our driving wheel!!! So sure we will overcome…

Visual arts