Flower Home Angel

Yang Yujing (Erica)


Pain, a kind of demon, clinging to some of the kids. 

Hunger, a kind of curse, torturing some of the children. 

Feudalism, a kind of evil, controlling some lugubrious children. 

The suffering, the misery, every sin we see. 

The free, the equity, every filling we need. 


Education, a kind of flower, beautiful, blooming out on our young hearts. 

School, a kind of home, warm, protecting our children with love and pardon. 

Teacher, a kind of angel, gentle, helping the puzzled child with affection. 


We need love 

We need power 

We need authority 

We need knowledge 

We need education 



By Yang Yujing (Erica), 14, from Nord Anglia School Nantong 南通诺德安达双语学校
