
Equal sign

I don’t think we are all equal.
In my opinion, we are all different but our rights are equal.
Men and women cannot be equal. Introverts and extroverts cannot be equal. Persons with disabilities aren't equal to others. Religions are not equal to one another. No two people are same.
But yes, human rights are equal. 
The thing is accepting the fact that people are not equal. The thing is accepting the fact that they are different ​​​. The thing is accepting different ones and accepting the fact that difference is a part of the world. 
No one should be discriminated, not because we are all equal, but because we are all different and the beautiful thing about the world is everyone is beautiful just the way we are. No one should be discriminated for being different because difference is what makes the world beautiful. 
The thing about equality is giving everyone equal rights despite the differences that exist among us.
