My body- No mould for plastic

Trying harder each day to fit myself into this captivating plastic, dwindling my internal growth and self-esteem.

Black is the color painted on my skin
I can't starve anymore to look thin
Efforts by Fair & Lovely are all in vain
My self esteem continues to wane
Photoshop too refuses to embrace me
Disgusted me, wants to flee
Pimples being the cherry on my cake
Plastic surgeries make me look so fake
Haunting me are the colossal numbers on my weighing scale
Shouting out aloud narrating my ugly tale
Stretch marks adorn my body
Being obese is the only notion I embody
Then came my Prince Charming
To lead me to the path of right
Keeping my flaws out of sight
Thereafter, reflections cast by my mirror seemed correct
My curves began to deck me perfect
I felt confident, pretty and bold
Within my soul of gold.

"I strived harder each day trying to fit my wax into the external crafted moulds , the only thing I achieved at the end of the day was augmented plastic fading away my internal real beauty."