Let’s choose what we post online carefully

A close-up of a screen saying "security"

I’ve been typing and deleting constantly for three days now. I start writing about today’s media, then I move on to a story about my childhood, only to eventually finish off by keeping the backspace key pressed firmly down.

But, can we delete everything?

What happens to the posts, messages, and documents that end up in an unknown location once we seemingly delete them?

Is it possible to retain privacy on the internet?

Technology is a beautiful but unruly thing, it’s a good servant but a bad master” – these are the lyrics of a song recently released within the “Let’s Choose What We Watch” media literacy campaign run by UNICEF and AEM.

A survey conducted within the campaign has shown that three out of four children in Montenegro believe that rules are necessary when using the media.

It is only rules and restrictions that can help us retain our privacy, at least to some extent.

Is it possible to retain privacy on the internet?

Do you really think that you have successfully addressed the issue of online privacy by merely locking your account on a social network?

Do you really think that you can have a completely private Instagram account, even if you reduce the number of followers?

There is the good-old screenshot, the secret weapon of cyberbullies, hackers or most often your friends, who wish nothing but the best for you.

You can hide from the real world in the safety of your home, your safe haven.

However, where do you hide from the cyber world?

Thirty years ago, it may have been easy to protect one’s privacy, but times are changing and we are slowly losing this possibility.

For this reason, when you finish reading this post, type your name in a web browser and take a look at what the global village knows about you!

Let’s choose what we post! The internet does not offer a “delete” option.


Kristina is a 16-year-old student from Podgorica. Her passions are acting and poetry, and she is actively engaged in volunteering in various organizations. Until recently she was UNICEF volunteer – Young Reporter within the media literacy campaign “Let’s choose what we watch”. As a result of her engagement in the media literacy campaign she started working as a presenter of the Wadada News Montenegro.
