When will there be peace on Earth?

Berthold Bonny with Diane Corner; the former deputy head of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA)

It is 6 AM in the morning, I wake up and prepare myself for a job. When listening to the morning news I learn that more than 70.8 million people are displaced by civil and interstate wars. This is really shocking me, but then I ask myself who will help to bring peace on Earth, if not me? Creation of peace on earth is a duty of all human beings. While the majority of us enjoy peaceful conditions in our countries, our joy will be completed when we can help the people who are displaced and deprived of comfortable places to sleep, study or work for an income.  In many parts of the world, people have been living in civil or interstate wars and conflicts for more than 20 years. Cries for peace from these people have been echoed by international organizations, which have reacted by pressing arms embargoes , branding some armed groups as terrorists, sanctioning conflict and sometimes taking bigger strides like facilitating regime changes. Although these strides have contributed in reducing escalation of armed conflicts, in some parts of the world, attaining a complete peace has been a slow process.

The slowness of the peace process or the failure of attaining peace for a long period of time, tells me that we probably have not aligned our peace strategies to the root causes of conflicts. Three reasons for conflicts include poor constitutions, one country occupying another country, and religion motivated conflicts. First in places where we have conflicts contributed by lack of power sharing, with political leaders who have stayed more than expected, I believe facilitating constitution amendments and elections would suite to grant peace. Second, places with conflicts emerging from a country occupying another country to deter the security threat posed by armed groups in the occupied country. Institutionalizing the military and removing military support to the armed groups in the occupied country would contribute in peace creation. Lastly all religious groups should use their powers to amend their books, preach love and religious tolerance, and eliminate all forms of religious generated conflicts. In simple words I believe any religion should help individuals to see themselves in the face other individuals.

As a student of strategic communication at Bowling Green State University, although with limited facilities to help you gain back your lost peace, I take my pen and paper to write to you that I am with you in your journey to obtain peace.  From Africa to Middle and Far East, I want to let you know that I have learnt your grievances and understand your suffering. Know that the world has not forgotten you and that we will  not let you dwell in your suffering for more than 20 years.  I believe your time for redemption is near when leaders start measuring their success by counting the numbers of conflicts, they helped to eradicate in the world. When people like me and others who enjoy peace will take to the media to argue leaders to address the root causes of conflicts in planning for peace strategies, sustainable peace will finally be archived.

United Republic of Tanzania