Start with yourself!

People set together on their phones

We have always stressed the importance of smiling at the face of our friends and distant neighbor and helping others. And we are fully aware of the love we feel when we help older people or when we play with little boys, but what made me remember these words again is that I no longer see any effect of it on reality!                                                                           

Perhaps what inspired me to write this article is that we are aware of the importance of the individuals to society, and that they cannot grow apart from their community. They need friends and family to stand with them in pain and joy, but what we do today is very different from what we know, and just few of us take the necessary steps to remedy it.

We separate from our society and we take our mobile devices as close friends, which made us introvert beings. In doing so, we blow up every link that connects us to society, although we confirm that we use "social networking sites!"

We are separated from each other even though we sit in the same room! It is no longer meaningful to talk with each other in the middle of the night and we don't enjoy the tales of grandma anymore.

Our improper use of these devices made us cancel the real communication link, which is more extreme than the virtual communication link. Friends' sessions are not complete without the mobile phones and taking pictures, and then we say that we are happy. There many other examples.

This separation also made us lose our connection with nature. The sound of rain does not mean anything if we do not "share the moment" on these sites. Our separation from our real world and our drowning in virtual sites has made us more acute, nervous and attacking beings.

Try to forget your mobile phone one day and enjoy life, watch the sunset and keep the snapshot in your heart before doing it in your phone, try to live the moment without telling anyone!

We do not smile at the face of our friends or neighbors when we walk by because we communicate with our friend, who is already on the opposite street. We have lost the happiness we felt in the past. We sit in a wonderful garden and do not enjoy the scenery. A child passes by and we do not play with him because we did not see him! We can say that we are "probably" going into adventure but we spend each moment documenting the route!

You must be aware that you are not separate from nature in its full strength! Try to forget your mobile phone one day and enjoy life, unite with nature, with its trees and birds, go to a distant place without documenting the journey, watch the sunset and keep the snapshot in your heart before doing it in your phone, try to live the moment without telling anyone!

Try to unite with the real things on your side, to smile at the face of distant neighbor and play with the little boys. These small actions can bring love to the soul of other people. The moment passes by, yes, but the supreme feeling of love remains within you, for you.

Start with yourself!

Syrian Arab Republic