Climate change is happening. And it's caused by humans

A man protesting

Climate change is happening

In recent decades, the climate has undergone major changes. The earth has become considerably warmer and we have had to face extremer weathers. This has raised the question of what the cause of this phenomenon may be.  Many researchers speculate that the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is anthropogenically caused.  However, there are scholars who claim that climate change is not due to man with the argument that global warming is entirely natural. This, however, is false.

The climate change that we are currently experiencing is predominantly generated by anthropogenic activity, moreover, there is more scientific research supporting this cause than there is supporting the belief of it being natural. Regardless to most researchers being convinced of the seriousness of the matter, society has failed to network the urgency of climate change. It is important to persuade those who do not believe the reality of the issue so that they discontinue their destructive habits. It is the lifestyle of humanity in today’s society that continues to heat our world day by day.

97% of climatologists judge that climate change is undoubtedly caused by humans - this is a substantial majority. These experts have produced large amounts of reliable research concerning climate change. Increasing temperatures for example are often highlighted as data that indicate that climate change is human induced. Since the industrial revolution, the average global temperature has increased by as much as 2 degrees.

The average global temperature is currently 0.85 degrees warmer than at the end of the nineteenth century. The average global temperature has been recorded since 1850. According to these measures, the past three decades have been significantly warmer than previous decades. The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere has since then increased by 40%. This is due to the burning of fossil fuels and coal combustion as massive amounts of greenhouse gases are being emitted into the atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide is the largest anthropogenic gas. According to the official website of the European Union, in the article "Climate Action", carbon dioxide accounts for 64% of human induced global warming.

“But gases occur naturally in the atmosphere” one might argue. That is indeed correct, and they act like the glass in a greenhouse. They absorb a certain wavelength of heat that is radiated from the sun. This practice maintains the temperature required for our ecosystems to function and for life on this planet to prosper.

It is important to persuade those who do not believe the reality of the issue so that they discontinue their destructive habits. It is the lifestyle of humanity in today’s society that continues to heat our world day by day.

However, additional gas emissions produced by man causes the earth to heat more than anticipated. This impairs the current climate as well as all ecosystems. With raised temperatures, ice sheets melt, which contributes to rising sea levels, leading to loss of lowlands. It disturbs organisms’ optimal temperatures, leading to major extinction, as well as disruption of entire ecosystems. Droughts and extreme weather will also emerge from the change in temperature-the list goes on.

We contribute to carbon emissions in many ways. Through deforestation of the rainforest, the carbon dioxide previously preserved in the trees is released and contributes to carbon emissions. The increase in meat consumption has also been an impacting factor as cows and sheep release methane via digestion. Methane contributes to smaller amounts of emissions than carbon dioxide does, however, it is unfortunately more efficient when absorbing heat radiation. Transport is also a huge factor. According to new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, transportation is responsible for 1.9 trillion tones of emissions each year in the United States of America alone.

“But the climate has changed many times before, it is natural” you may say. This is true, however,  the climate is now responding to human activities that generates climate change. Evidence that climate change is taking place due to human emissions can be found in tree's age rings, sea sediments, coral reefs and layers of sedimented rocks. These findings tell us that global warming is currently occurring much faster than it did after the ice age. This indicates that it is not due to a natural cause that the earth is heating, it is due to man speeding up the process.

If humans do not realize their role in climate change, we are at risk of catastrophic consequences. We must reduce our emissions to a large extent as soon as possible. As an individual, you can make a difference by, for example, choosing public transport or bicycling over traveling by car. This is because transport is a major contributing factor to carbon dioxide emissions. You can cut down on your meat consumption, re-use and reduce your waste, and shop locally produced artifacts. However, it is the large cooperation’s and world leaders that can make the biggest difference. For example, the EU could raise the price of emission rights and introduce new laws and restrictions concerning energy sources. The EU could ban or reduce fossil fuel use and instead invest in wind turbines and solar panels as an energy source. If alterations are not made now, it could end with existential threats in 2050, according to the UN's latest climate report. Hopefully, we will succeed in the reduction of our harmful emissions and safeguard the future of our children.

To conclude, global warming is due to human activities and our current lifestyles. There is clear evidence that suggest this with the support of 97% of climate experts. The average temperature has risen since we industrialized our communities and started emitting large quantities of gases. The gases absorb the heat from the sun, which heats the earth and leads to climate change. One can show by ancient and historical traces in nature that global warming is now happening much faster than it did after the ice age. We need to change our lifestyle before it's too late.

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