Meet the youth speaking up for peace

Young peacebuilders in Burundi

Young people’s ideas, roles and actions matter a great deal for peace.

December 9th marks the 5-year anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on youth, peace and security, the first-ever UN resolution recognizing the transformative role young people play in building more peaceful and inclusive societies.

On the anniversary of the resolution, meet this group of young people who are bringing different perspectives on peace, coexistence and solidarity around the world, and follow the conversation online with the hashtag #Youth4Peace.

Click here to learn more about the resolution and the youth, peace and security agenda.

Fatoumata, 17 years, Mali
“One day, l will be a film director and l will make nice films with all special effects that l see on television. l will make sure l change stereotypes about women in cinema and promoting peace and social cohesion.”

Fatoumata Mohamed, 17, Mali
Kola Amadou Ba, 22, young peace activist fighting COVID-19 in Mopti, Mali
“Some people don’t believe in the disease here and they don’t always respect what we do… But we create a dialogue with them and always end up finding a way to understand each other.”

Kola Amadou Ba, 22, young peace activist fighting COVID-19 in Mopti, Mali
Mohamed Ag Mohamed, 15, Timbuktu, Mali
"Through music I would like to reunite all my brothers and sisters who have been separated and bring peace to my country.”

Mohamed Ag Mohamed, 15, Timbuktu, Mali
Fatoumata Tamboura, 15, a child journalist in Mopti, Mali.
"Every time I see fake information on social media, I fight against it by giving accurate information. Every country counts on its youth. When youth tremble, the world crumbles."

Fatoumata Tamboura, 15, youth journalist from Mopti, Mali
”Peace has no color, country or race, it’s universal.” Hanoune ould Hamady, 16 years, Kidal.
”Peace has no color, country or race, it’s universal.”

Hanoune ould Hamady, 16 years, Kidal, Mali
Ángela Unigarro Valenzuela, 16, Cumbal-Nariño, Colombia
“As children and young people, we should not be silent, if you believe our rights or those of someone you know are being threatened, you must speak up.”

Ángela Unigarro Valenzuela, 16, Cumbal-Nariño, Colombia
Luis Alejandro Rueda, 14, Cumbal-Nariño
“My message is that we have to take care of ourselves and protect each other because at the end of the day we are one.”

Luis Alejandro Rueda, 14, Cumbal-Nariño, Colombia
Masabarakiza David, 18, Commune Rutana, Burundi
“I opened this kiosk, and today I see that I am starting to evolve. We are leaders and have built bridges together with the adults.”

Masabarakiza David, 18, Commune Rutana, Burundi
Bayisabe Benigne, 18, Commune Rutana, Burundi and Munezero Estella, 18, Commune Rutana, Burundi
“To build peace we have to give a hand to vulnerable people."

Bayisabe Benigne, 18, Commune Rutana, Burundi (left)

“Young people have strength – they should be involved in the construction of this peace."

Munezero Estella, 18, Commune Rutana, Burundi (right)
Nkundimana Adidja, 15, Commune Rutana, Burundi
“To build peace, I fight for my own development and for that of those around me…young people are the future of this country."

Nkundimana Adidja, 15, Commune Rutana, Burundi
Bukuru Longin young entrepreneur, 20, Commune Rutana, Burundi

“One must start with oneself -giving back it is the only real way to be successful. Young people are capable and involving them is the way the dream of peace will come true in my country."

Bukuru Longin, young entrepreneur, 20, Commune Rutana, Burundi
Berchmans Manirambona, 17, Commune Rutana, Burundi
“We are building peace by promoting dialogue and exchange between our neighboring communities. All of us from different ethnic groups are working together.”

Berchmans Manirambona, 17, Commune Rutana, Burundi
Gatwal Augustine Gatkuoth, 29, from South Sudan
“For me, peacebuilding has become a necessity. I want to break the cycle of conflict experienced by my father and myself and contribute to a peaceful future where my own children don’t have to experience violence."

Gatwal Augustine Gatkuoth, 29, South Sudan
Van Ali,17 Duhok, Iraq
“As a young female I learned that I can make positive impact even with very simple actions, especially in raising awareness on the importance of young women's participation and involvement in order to build sustainable peace and ensure that women have equal role in the social cohesion process in our communities.”

Van Ali,17 Duhok, Iraq
Sajad 17, Basra, Iraq
“We, the young people, can play a vital role in achieving social cohesion among our communities, which we chose to do through drama and music, arts can easily be listened to without any boundaries. We spread our peace messages among our communities through arts. Nowadays our communities need peace more than any time before."

Sajad 17, Basra, Iraq