Hop on the Green Train: Growing your own veggies


Have you ever wanted to grow your own vegetable garden? It is quite easy and gratifying if you follow the right steps. The great news is that it only requires an hour or two a week, making gardening one of the easiest and most fulfilling activities that you can do. Below you will find a step by step guide on how to start your own vegetable garden from scratch.

Step 1: Preparing the soil

The first thing you need is the right place. Try to choose a sunny spot, as plants require sun to grow healthy and strong. Most of the plants that you are going to plant there are annuals, so the place must provide for all seasons. In addition, some plants – such as tomatoes and cucumbers – need protection from the wind. When considering how to build a protective hurdle, use the rule of thumb that says that a two-metre high barrier protects about 10 meters of your garden. Protective fencing can be made of panels of different materials, such as wood, bricks, or even plants. Once you have created the right environment, clear the soil from weeds and perennials before you start planting, making sure that you remove any roots present. Remember, the name of the game is to be sustainable in your backyard, so you want to add organic fertilizer to the mix.

Step 2: Choosing your plants

Now that you have the soil ready, you need to choose which vegetables to plant. Of course, your choice will depend on where you are located in the world. Common choices are peas, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, carrots, beets, radishes and chards. Research online or go to a local gardening shop and ask what vegetables grow easily in your area, as the local plants are better adapted to the local climate and thus are easier to grow.

Step 3: Planting your seeds and cultivating your plants

You have selected your garden’s spot and the right seeds. Now you need to plant them and help your plants grow by nurturing them. There a few points to consider when planting your crops. As plants compete for sunlight, water and nutrients, an important aspect is the right spacing. For example, corn needs a lot of space and can overshadow other vegetables. Read the instruction available on the seed packets and plant tabs, and follow them carefully. Preferably, consider spending a bit more on buying high-quality seeds, because if it doesn’t germinate, your money and time would be wasted. Once planted, provide your plants with the right amount of water and fertilizer. Another important point is timing: make sure that you plant and harvest at the right time. As every plant has its own planting date, investigate online and check on planting almanacs. In this manner, you will produce healthy veggies.

Step 4: Protecting your plants

Plants need protection from insects, weeds and other damaging beings. Care about the planet and future generations, and make sure that you don’t use chemicals with secondary effects on nature. Also, know that not all insects are harmful, so applying the wrong insecticides can affect beneficial insects, with the subsequent effect on your garden ecosystem.

Consider using natural remedies. For example, garlic is well-known for its strong scent, which acts as an insect repellent. Similarly, there are many other natural options that can help you grow healthy vegetables, while at the same time contributing to creating a more sustainable ecosystem in your garden.

Growing your own veggies can not only help you to save money but it can also be a fulfilling and relaxing activity. Successful gardening, like most things, requires method and patience. The basic steps are simple: creating the correct ground space, choosing the right plants, planting them according to their needs, and protecting them from insects and other natural effects. And when you start your own green patch, consider the wise Iroquois Maxim and choose to do sustainable gardening with the following mantra in mind:

“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.”
