NO: The new positive

A painting on a red wall says "no"

We are always taught that yes is the sign of positivity and no is the sign of negativity. But does that apply to real life situations as well? According to me NO.

Saying yes has been an integral part of our life. We tend to say yes although we are not comfortable and saying no makes us feel guilty although we know that we are not wrong. Yes and No are two sides of a same coin. My question is if saying yes to certain things makes us unhappy then how is that "yes" considered as a sign of positivity? Some people might call me selfish as I did not entertain the choices given to me by my families or  relatives or friends but is it really necessary for me to agree to their choices for my life's decision until and unless I know that I am in the right path? Well, I guess NO.

According to me vocalizing No helps in personal growth of an individual. Sometimes setting boundaries is healthy. Saying NO to others means saying YES to ourselves. Remember when we are saying yes to ourselves, we are saying yes to: our dreams, our passion, our goals and moreover our life

Today let's give ourselves a permission to say NO to certain things that drains our energy. Let's give ourselves a chance to look at life the way we want. LET'S LEARN TO SAY NO.

