Nature Pervades: A Collection Of Stories & Poems

A beach overlooked by a rocky cliff.

A Beach

Walking along sandy, Australian beaches used to be idyllic: white sands, emerald waves; the only plastic in sight, the toys of children playing in the sand. Now, I see plastic blowing along the beaches, the cost of this consumerist society. Where will it stop?

Stringybark Trees

The oldest parts of nature possess a magnificence that can only be experienced in person: towering stringybark trees with koalas perched precariously in sight of the leaves on the higher branches. They are not made for climbing, like the Western idea of what a tree should be, but they are perfect, beautiful in their own right with their defiantly thin frames and stripped of branches for the first ten metres. I once wanted to be a stringybark tree.


A kangaroo

Bounds into sight,

Stepping carelessly

Onto the forbidden place:

The lawn.


Is it worth trying

To enforce those

Boundaries that separate

What is human and

What is natural?


Is it worth rejecting

The openness

Of the sky

And the scorched earth

That defines this country?


Those rules are impossible

To enforce anyway;

How can you stop

A kangaroo?

How can you reject


Better to let go of

The need for militaristic perfection.

Better to let

Nature pervade.


Nature pervaded

Once the humans hid

Inside their cold, impersonal houses.

For what fear does

Nature have for a virus

It has never heard about?

Nature doesn't stop in any case

Its work is far too important,

Unlike so much of ours.
