Seven billion stars

Mikrokosmos live

Everyone has a wish to be a star. Or someone special. When you see someone special in your eyes, in your subconscious mind you wish to be someone special too, don't you? But you know what.... You are already a star. You can be a star that can enlighten everyone around you, and even the world. How?

Be yourself

You don’t need to be perfect, have super positive vibes, inspiring or anything. Just simply be yourself. Be authentic. Be the most you. By being yourself, you will find the star that is hiding inside of you. You are more beautiful than you think. Love yourself just the way you are.
Many of us know about the diary of Anne Frank. That diary have touched the hearts of readers all over the world. But what did a fifteen years old teenage girl write that can be so beautiful? She did nothing special. She just expressed herself without mocking. She expressed herself, her thoughts which she never thought of telling to somebody. 
Everyone has different ways of thinking and expressing themselves. It can be writing, singing, painting or simply talking. Expressing yourself is important. It will help you to be you. Find your own voice. Express your thoughts somewhere you feel comfortable. Express how you see the world. It can be your diary, your computer or a blank paper. You will discover how beautiful your thoughts are. Stop hiding your true self becoming afraid of others. You have to be you to be a real star. 

Do what you love 

Doing what you love is just another part of being yourself. When you do something that you love, you will do it from your heart. As it is not something you are forced to do, it will be something beautiful and authentic. Doing things that you love can lead you to your dreams. It can impact your growth a lot. Your love and your passion will make you a star. You may not imagine, but it is so. 

Be a star of your own life

You may think, "People will not see my sparkle." So what? Just let the sparkle shine on yourself. Do everything for yourself. Be a star for you. Sometimes others may critize you harshly. Sometimes you may not want your works to be seen by others. Sometimes people may not understand the importance of you. Never mind. Just do it for yourself. Appreciate your way of thinking and cherish your lights. One day, that will reach everywhere. You will make a difference. And if it won't, doesn’t matter. You need your light the most. Make a difference to yourself.

Like a beautiful star shining in the night sky, your purpose is not to compare your light or brightness to any other star. Your purpose is not to wish you were a moon or a planet, or to wish you were somewhere else. Your purpose is to shine your light as bright and as beautiful as only you can.

Everyone is a star.

Each of us has a galaxy inside.

Together, we make a beautiful universe ​​​​​​. 
