Supporting the Fight Against Climate Change as A Woman

Margaret Bondziedu Impraim

Climate change is a crucial topic that finds its way into almost every conversation across the globe. Like most youth, I was also oblivious of the stakes till I saw them in the news. From there, I knew I had to get some more knowledge so I could sharpen my blunt sword if I wanted to join the fight against climate change. My heart ached throughout my studies, as the stark reality became clear. I resolved to use my knowledge and skills to make people aware of these effects wherever I found myself. The more I discovered the dynamics involved, the more eager I was to sensitize every youth I came into contact with, including my friends. I had found my purpose in this; to help every individual understand that they too could support the fight against climate change. It started with impacting vulnerable communities through projects and grew to becoming the conference manager for the country’s first conference of youth on climate change and being a participant at the conference of youth and parties in Glasgow last year.

Being a woman was never a hindrance, I rather saw it as a superpower, coupled with my ambition and determination. Going into these spaces was a major motivation because I saw that many more superwomen around the globe were willing to go all out till the world said yes to climate action.

Women are often the most vulnerable to the social and economic changes caused by climate change. However, our unique role as being the first contact in nurturing and shaping future generations puts us in a position to contribute immensely in shaping mindsets and creating awareness. More women today occupy strategic positions of influence in key social and economic institutions and we must rally this critical mass into a formidable voice for climate action.

BIO: Margaret Bondziedu Impraim is a climate change and sustainable development ‘advopoet’ (advocate and poet). She holds her MPhil degree in Climate Change and Sustainable Development and is currently the Environment and Climate Change Officer for United Youth Initiative Africa. She loves to use her knowledge and skills to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and fight against climate change.
