A wake up call

A positive coronavirus test

They always thought they could outsmart nature, well look how that’s gone. Everyone’s talking about how people are dying and the number of the infected.

Oh how the tables have turned, our hell has become nature’s paradise. 

No pollution, nature isn’t being destroyed, empty streets so all in all, a peaceful world.

A world where humans aren’t disrupting the balance of nature, one where animals aren’t being treated cruelly, one where nature dominates everything.

The ideas of industrialisation and economic growth have blinded man in such a way that he starts destroying the very force that gave him being: nature.

The universe follows a concept of balance, and nature has just simply done her job.

Deers have started coming out on the freeways, ducks have returned in ponds so to summarise it all, nature’s creatures are now controlling us.

We have been trapped and caged by those who we had done the same to.

It all starts and ends with nature, hope the human realisation has finally dawned upon it.
