What high school should look like in a couple of years

This image shows the benefits of pushing the school to starts later. The left shows that the student has no energy and feels sleepy because the school starts early. The right side is its exact opposite

Are you wondering what a student's life will look like in a couple of years? They will not have to work up so early like I did when I was still a high school student. I am so jealous! Back in the day, every day in the morning, I fight the sleepiness battle. My school starts at 7:50 a.m which I believe is extremely early for all students in general. Meanwhile, high school students are considered to be going through puberty, a step in their life before entering adulthood. Regarded, it’s the most significant period of time for teenagers to balance academics and social life. Getting enough sleep is one of the factors that helps teenagers fully develop into adults physically and mentally. For this reason, high schools in California should start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. 

In my view, I believe that school should start later - no earlier than 8:30 a.m - because as a high school student I understand how much pressure school puts on me. I have lots of homework every day and have to arrange my sleep schedule at the same time. More specifically, I believe that the early school start shouldn’t exist anymore. It’s put more pressure on us, especially for high school students. From my personal true story, after the last bell rings, it’s finally time to go home. But thinking about having homework makes me stressed out. A student is supposed to have time to relax after spending almost half their day in school, sitting on a chair and with their brain working nonstop. 

One of the main reasons schools should start later is because of sleep deprivation. Based on what I noticed the average student only gets around 5-7 hours of sleep a day which can impact their physical health while still at the age of puberty. A lack of sleep can lead to anxiety, depression, lack of motivation and lack of concentration during school. During finals week, it’s the most horrible time for almost every student. They usually develop anxiety during that period of time because their mood swings are changing along with the pressure of school work. From last year, I remembered I studied from noon till midnight and still haven’t finished it and only got 5 hours of sleep for a whole week. There is almost no time for me to relax! I have to give up my sleep hours in order to get my assignments done.

Once every week, students have a day called late start. Regardless, some of the students still run late inclduing me. Everyone has a different opinion, but I’m not a morning person, I can’t stay productive when I don't get the average of 8-9 hours of sleep because my brain is not functioning. Also later school starting hours will allow the districts more flexibility in scheduling buses. In fact, if your parents cannot provide you a ride to school on time, buses are the best alternative, or you have to walk . It will also give students who take “zero periods” more time to have longer hours of sleep to be able to work more efficiently. 

Some people would say it's the same thing as school starts later, which means you'll get out later in the day. Students who participate in sports, clubs, bands, and other organizations often have their meetings for several hours after school. If schools change their start times later, these activities would be pushed back in the day. This will make it difficult for students who participate in them. They must use their time wisely to complete homework assignments, spend their time in social activities, and get enough average sleep hours. However, students who participate in extracurricular activities have a positive mindset that tends to be more responsible when it comes to time management. They like to be involved in those activities because they desire to be a part of them. The trade-off they make is given of their time in order to exchange knowledge, experiences that later on can benefit them in the long-term like when they apply for university and jobs. 

Changing school start time for high school students has its advantages and disadvantages but it is likely to have more benefits for the students and parents. The best way to improve academic performance is to get enough hours of sleep. Early school start times do not just affect the mental ability and harm your physical health. Once your body becomes unhealthy later on when they are grown up, the chances of getting diseases are higher. It's hard to change things that have been out there for hundreds of years, but you see at some schools this has already been approved by the State Legislature. I maintain that school should start later so students will have more time to prepare for school and be able to work more efficiently. 

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