No Turning Back

Template for 'No turning back'

Fooled and deceived,

hands-on knees with tears dribbling down his cheeks.

Thoughts are many but nothing to speak.

An imperfect journey under his feet.

No maps, no guide,

he has to travel to find ‘what’s mine?’

A static life he dreamed to change,

arrested him in their dynamic chains.

He looks around to find a deserted lane

which scares him to travel again.

The memories surface when he starts to walk again.

He took his step back for a moment

and lifted his gaze,

To search for the end of the lane,

he has decided to take for once again.

The fear starts to blur his mind.

What if I lose again?

He looked behind

to locate his home,

which he left a long time ago.

‘Wasn’t it enough to succeed?’,

He asked the almighty to speak.

He tried his best, it was evident in his eyes.

His legs were bruised,

with an untold story in his mind.

It was his commitment to win this time.

If he takes his two steps back again,

he’ll lose a history which he has already made.

There is no turning back,

after what he has gone through!

He decides to walk again

towards the goal he made.

He wipes his tears,

and dusts his clothes,

to begin with this new lane

towards his demanding goal.

He is strong enough to bear

his broken soul

to stop not until he reaches the goal.

He is aware of the blocks he needs to cross,

Many more tears and unavoidable heaps,

waiting for a worthy winner to reach.

~ Kajal Singh

Instead of giving up, Try Again.