Mental Health of Indian Citizens during the Lockdown.

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Mental Health during the Lockdown in India is a concern that can never be looked away from. While all of us here in India, are still adapting to the rise in the number of cases, social life has almost become non-existent. 

A need for the sense of touch and one to one belongingness away from the visual portrays of the screen, we need to understand that there are people struggling to find their routines in order. 

In an article published by Medrxiv it has been stated that some of the selected groups in the society may suffer from emotional distress during this period of lockdown. This may elevate the already existing distress caused by the pandemic. 

What can we say are the reasons behind such distress?

To my understanding, the economy has downgraded significantly. People were removed from their works, the contractual labourers no longer have a place to work even to sustain the daily wages- leading to a mass number of suicides by the people belong to the working section of the society.

The second group would be the sexual minorities who belong to the minority community of a nation of a majority of cis gender community. Dispite the court having rules decisions in their favour, this pandemic has only added on to the curses they hear from the majority community stating them to be a reason for the pandemic.

With Indians being amongst the most out-going and social individuals in the world, the sudden halt to their daily social life has triggered a sense of absence amongst them. 

What can we do?

At this point of time, raising awareness, spreading awareness, helping the distressed people is the best thing to do right now. One can try to help the distressed person, either emotionally or help them seek a therapist financially. 

More and more emphasis needs to be given on the subject of mental health in a country like India, where a topic of Mental Health still remains a taboo. 
