5 Tips to do Better with Online Classes

Stressed Student

Online school has been a real struggle for me and most of my friends. I know it is not easy to keep up with assignments, even to stay focused on what is happening during class. I could say I know exactly how you feel because that is exactly how I feel too! People may say that online school should be much easier, but when you have been used to in person school it is a very difficult change and hard to adjust to it. When you are used to having actual help and one to one personal and face to face conversations, it is much harder for you to find a way to ask for help, and harder for your teachers to help you. For those reasons and much more, here are some tips on how to do better in your online classes.

  1. Put your phone or any distractions in a different location. I know that personally, I get really distracted with my phone. I have noticed that when I don’t have my phone around me, I am more focused on what is happening in my classes. On the contrary, if I have my phone around me, I find that I am grabbing it every 5 minutes, to see if anyone has texted me, or even to just go on tik tok and watch some videos. Studies have shown that there is about 66% of the population who is addicted to their phones. Even though you may not want to admit it, you could possibly be part of that 66%. I myself might even be a part of that 66%! According to this news website, cell phones have been proven to be one of the most common distractions. It may seem like nothing at the moment, but this will hurt your grade tremendously, when you get to the work and don’t know how to do it. I have learned that from personal experience! Putting your phone in a different room or even having someone hold on to it while you are in class or doing homework will benefit you to the fullest extent. You will learn about everything the teacher is teaching, and you will finish your homework much faster, with more ease. 
  2. Have a nice, organized place to work. I know that personally, I work better when I am working with a clean environment. I don’t think that anyone would work efficiently if they are losing their pencil or eraser every 2 minutes! This one will come from personal experience. I could be calmly working on my math homework, when I make a mistake. Sometimes, my work area is a bit more on the messy side and it could take up to 5 minutes for me to find my eraser or my white out. That’s crazy! When you are organized and work in an organized environment will help you be at peace with your mind. When you are at peace with your mind you work with more ease and you finish your work much faster. 
  3. Set a schedule. Being time organized will benefit you to the max. Personally, I am very bad with time management, especially if I have distractions around me. I have found that when it comes to doing my homework, I work better with music. I put my earbuds in and I'm free from distractions. Obviously, I know that it is not the same for everyone. Try to experiment to see what works best for you. Back to time management. It is always easier when you set times for everything you need to do. There is only so much you can do in 24 hrs. You have to set times for each activity or piece of work that you need to do. You will be much more productive and work better if you know what to do next. Just always make sure to set enough time for each piece of work that you need to do. You should also have a planner. Good time management comes with having a planner. As I stated above, you need to be organized and know all the things that you need to do that day. 
  4. Get enough sleep. A good night's rest is key for a good day. *Sorry i fell asleep*, but i'm back now. As I was saying, when your brain is fully rested, it will work at its full capacity. Personally, when I do not get enough sleep, I get really bad headaches. When I get headaches, I cannot focus on whatever it is that I am working on. Being fully rested will help you even see better. Sometimes, I will be in class and I could hardly even keep my eyes open! My nephew will be in his class, while he is sleeping! I do not understand how they are supposed to learn if they aren’t even awake. It is so much harder to actually comprehend what you are being taught. Getting enough sleep will help your body feel more energized. Not only will you have energy for school work, you will also have enough energy to work on anything else you need to do, maybe even go do sports. Along with a good night's rest, you should treat yourself to a nice and filling breakfast!
  5. Have snacks and a drink. Often I find myself getting up to go look for something to eat while I do my homework. I don’t know about all of you, but I know that I am usually eating something as I do my work. Sometimes your body gets really tired from everything you have done throughout the day, so having a snack and something to drink around you will help you and your body feel much better. It will help you feel energized and hydrated, to the point where you are ready to keep working on whatever it is you are working on. Usually, the type of snack I would have is a fruit and some water. A healthy snack is always the way to go. Sometimes, the stomach just wants something, so it's on to feed it anything you seem fit for your body. I have noticed that when I am on an empty stomach, trying to do my work, I find myself dozing off, thinking about what I should eat. Keep your stomach and brain happy with some food.