World Children's Day

Me during the delivery of donations at our local orphanage

Having a magical childhood you can always go back to with such nostalgia for all of the happy memories I think has an impact on the adults we become.

I don't know how one would deal with having being denied such an experience that is one of our basic and most important rights.

This year I wish with my entire heart that no child's childhood gets stolen. I wish all conflicts, world issues that are affecting children come to an end.

This Children's Day I am more aware than ever of the real struggles children face. Of how they go through such challanges too big and difficult for their age. I will forever do all I can to be of help.

This year, I got to be head of the Do Something Unconventional Kosova Chapter (an all youth led international programme) and me and the team brought to life a dream of ours and worked on a cause so close to my heart.

For weeks we gathered donations in school supplies for children without parental care over at Sos Village Prishtina. It was so overwhelming to witness the power of kindness from people donating all around.

It was a very important first project for all of us and it gave us hope that the world is truly changing and that children are slowly becoming its main focus as it should be.

In hopes that every 20th November of each year takes with it all the issues affecting children all around the world leaving them with a world that cares and protects their rights and gives them a safe, happy environment to grow up in. 

There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children - Nelson Mandela
Kosovo (SCR1244)