Everyone in 2021 needs a therapist

we all have mental health

It’s been five months since the start of 2021, and while everyone this month will celebrate pride days can we also take a minute to talk about health awareness? More specifically; mental health. While many people have come out to their family and friends with pride, some are still struggling. And in a society as judgmental as ours, it puts a lot of pressure on our queer friends when they decide to come out. Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, mood disorders, ADHD are some of the few mental illnesses which are still taken too lightly.

Since the pandemic has also made it a necessity to limit the day to day interaction in a way which we were used to, I cannot help but ask how many people are out there, who want to talk but cannot do that because they do not trust someone enough to not judge them.

While adults may not have it easy, studies have shown teens to be more susceptible to these mental illnesses. It’s been more than a year that every one of us has adopted this different lifestyle. Things haven’t been that interesting compared to what they used to be. A lot of time on our hands has also made us confront more important things about life. This part might have been a changing road for some people, while others have simply led to a path of overthinking and worries.

So as a person who has an on and off relationship with depression, I ask all of you to look out for one another. Talk to your friends and family members and let them know what you are going through. Some may understand while others will shrug it off; so keep talking and asking. Look out for one another and you will find people who will understand you.

Again Sorry to hijack pride with mental health, but I also ask the people in the queer community to only come out if they feel safe i.e. physically, mentally, and psychologically. I understand what it feels like to think no one gets you but if you won’t talk and others won’t ask, and this conversation will never get started.

So at such a time while the whole world is locked up in their homes, let’s talk and be each other’s, unpaid therapists…. So as I now quote Demi Lovato I ask you to pause and think about your family and friends;

“You don’t have to struggle in silence. You can be un-silent. You can live well with a mental health condition, as long as you open to somebody about it.”

So don’t be afraid to share your stories.

Happy pride month to all my wonderful queer friends!!
